Saturday, August 22, 2009


It's been a while since I updated this. I'll just quickly plug a really good band I've been getting into lately.

fun.-That's right fun. with a lower case f and a period at the end. This is Nate Reuss from The Format's new project after the demise of The Format. It was a sad day when I heard that The Format was breaking up. They were an amazing, amazing band. My brother's friend Clint commented about Nate when we saw them for their last festival show in SLC. He said that he looks so skinny and frail. The conversation went somewhere to the effect of it might be too much boozin' and drug action (which may or may not be true). Clint then said something like come on hold out for at least one more album. Sadly that wasn't the case for The Format, but Nate has returned with fun.! And what a great band they are. They came to SLC a few months ago and are coming back hot on the heels of their new release Aim and Ignite this Tuesday. The album is streaming on their site now. Check it out; it's really good. Great pop with horns, strings, and great guitar work. If you liked The Format, you'll love fun., and if you haven't heard of The Format either, there ya go, two bands for you to check out.

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